Creative Smiles Tupelo
A Reason To Smile
Creative Smiles Tupelo provides a variety of dental work from routine teeth cleanings to cosmetic services. The content on the Creative Smiles Tupelo website was not only outdated, but the branding styles consisted of dark tones with little to no visual imagery. Creative Smiles Tupelo asked us to update their web styles to reflect their more vibrant dental practice. The goal was to create a new UI Kit that had clear CTAs and true accessibility to a large audience, ranging from teenagers/young adults to elderly users. Another component to the project was to more clearly communicate on service pages what the client could receive when booking an appointment through the website.
Website: Creative Smiles Tupelo | Role: Lead Designer | Tools: Sketch, Invision, Adobe Suite
Knowing the hues of blue evoke feelings of peace, tranquility, and confidence, Creative Smiles Tupelo chose to move forward with three shades of blue for the main branding color scheme. I also had the opportunity to create unique, fun icons to enhance the visual appeal on the pages. With the updated live site, the client has received more site traffic along with an increase of patients booking dental appointments.