UX/UI/ Product design
Growing up, my passion for problem solving was brought to life through my affinity for math and a voracious appetite for creative outlets. I integrate my love for math and science (daughter of an engineer) into my art. I explore the relationships of my art and create derivatives of meaning visually. This set me apart from others as I took every art class I could find as I approach creative problems with a mathematical focus and vice versa.
I discovered a passion for dance. It gives me another avenue to express my art. As I dance, I strive to find fluidity and grace in my movements. I integrate these movements, seamlessly into the way I design. I am able to find rhythm and dance of each project I come across.
The duality of living as a Nigerian-American in southeast North Carolina has shaped my perspective on life. This duality informs my design as I find ways to translate culture and products into the language of my audience. Like a sponge, I absorb and adapt to different environments enabling me to empathize and connect with both my clients and their customers to find solution(s) that works best for both of them.